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Doorking Photo-Cell Doorking 8080-011 Photo Reflective Photo-Cell

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Part Number:Doorking 8080-011 Photo Reflective Photo-Cell

Doorking Photo-Cell Doorking 8080-011 Photo Reflective Photo-Cell

DoorKing 8080-010 Infrared Thru-Beam Photo-Cell 24 VAC/VDC Includes sender and receiver, hooded metal enclosures & heater. Rated for outdoor use with a sensing distance of up to 165 ft.

    Loop Detectors and Secondary Entrapment Prevention Devices

  • All DoorKing gate operators are designed with "ports" for our plug-in loop detectors. This simplifies installation and wiring. Both single channel and two channel detectors are available. Loops and loop detectors should be used on all gate operator installations to prevent the gate from closing on vehicular traffic.
  • DoorKing has available pre-fabricated loops, loop wire, loop test meters and concrete and asphalt sealant.
  • Two types of photo-beams are available; thru beams and photo-reflective beams. Thru beams have a range in excess of 100 feet but require both a "sender" and "receiver." Photo-reflective beams have a limited range (35-feet), but use a reflector instead of a receiver and are easier to install.
  • Reverseing edges are good devices to use on slide gates to protect entrapment areas around the gate pocket and gate operator.
  • Photo-beams are refered to as "non-contact" or type B1 devices, while reversing edges are refered to as "contact" or type B2 devices. Industry safety standards require that a secondary entrapment prevention device be installed with all gate operators. Your professional DoorKing dealer will advise you of the type and number of devices necessary to protect your gate system and to make it as safe as possible for all concerned.

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